SSL Certificates
An SSL certificate ensures that personal data such as names, addresses or credit card numbers cannot be read or changed by unauthorised third parties during transfer. SSL encryption is used, for example, in web shops and bank sites. Here it is indispensable, even mandatory when transmitting personal data.
In addition, the use of an SSL certificate has an impact on a website‘s ranking in search engines. Websites with their own SSL certificate are ranked higher and are therefore displayed higher up in the search results.
Common name:
Security Level
Please choose the security level which describes your website best!
Domain Validation
from € 15.97
will be issued in minutes
suitable for smaller websites, blogs, forums and mail servers
Organisation Validation
from € 99.00
high trust value
suitable for smaller webshops and company websites
Extended Validation
from € 159.00
very high trust value
suitable for online banks and large online shops