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Buy your domain now: Secure your place in Internet

Your domain is your personal address in Internet whether you are a private person or you represent a business.
Before you buy one or more domains you should think about the use of your domain, and how it can easily be found with search engines. INWX helps you to get your own domain fast.

Please note that some registries may charge premium prices for attractive domain names. In this case, the higher price will be displayed or we will notify you promptly by e-mail if an automatic price query with the registrar is not possible. You then have the right to cancel the order.
Desired domain name

Choose a simple domain name

If you want to buy a domain name it is advisable to think about the domain's aim first. Are you planning a presentation page for your company or an online shop, a blog or a personal page? For companies and shops you should buy a domain that equals your company name. Personal domains should be registered with your own name or a fantasy name. Please make sure to choose short and easily understandable names and avoid using dashes and umlauts.

Choose the right Top-Level-Domain (TLD)

Is your company doing business abroad? You should then make sure to register all relevant Top-Level-Domains. If you are a regionally operating company a name under a GeoTLD like .berlin or .london might be right. Especially for companies it is important to secure common TLDs thus competing companies might not be able to buy TLDs with their names. If you want to register a popular Top-Level-Domain (e.g. .de, .com or .net) you might expect that the domain name is already taken. With our domain check you can check the availability of your domain. If the domain name you wish for is currently not free for registration you might choose another domain or experiment with different TLDs.

Register your domain easily with INWX

When you have combined your desired domain name with the right Top-Level-Domain you can register your domains. In most cases we secure your desired domain 24 hours per day in real time. However, some TLDs are subject to tougher procurement rules and thus more time is needed for the registration. Detailed information on the duration will be provided during the registration process. If you encounter difficulties while trying to register your domain our support team will certainly be able to help you.
* Prices may differ for premium domains. These are attractive domain names that require higher prices from the registry. In this case, the premium price is displayed or we will notify you promptly by e-mail. You then have the right to cancel the order.
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